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Motion to approve agenda, seconded and carried. II. Nomination of Officers Election of Senate Officers President: Bruce Caswell Bob Fleming Bruce Caswell voted to serve as Senate President for year 2005-06. Vice-President: Phillip Lewis David Applebaum Phillip Lewis voted to serve as Senate Vice-President for year 2005-06. Senate Secretary: Dorie Gilchrist Unanimous ballot Dorie Gilchrist appointed as Senate Secretary for year 2005-06. III. Open Forum: President Farish with Tim Michener, Director of Public Safety President Farish addressed the Senate on the issue of university officers carrying weapons on campus. He has spoken to students and to Senators and has received a host of reactions, both pro and con, regarding the use of weapons by campus officers. He is now concurring with the Safety Director that a trial period of a year be implemented in which trained officers receive arms. Tim Michener, Director of Public Safety, related that he has recommended that seven officers be armed. He has recently come to this conclusion as a result of incidents both on and off campus and the experiences of other NJ Institutions. Dr Farish reported that he has not yet taken this recommendation to the Board of Trustees. Many Senators spoke both against and for the trial period. Those for the proposal basically agreed with the President and Safety Director and those against passionately related incidences which could get out of hand if officers are armed. The final decision rests with the Board of Trustees. . IV. Election of Standing Committee Chairpersons: A. Academic Policies and Procedures Anne Phillips B. Campus Aesthetics Skeffington Thomas C. Career Development: Lee Kress D. Committee on Committees Frances Johnson E. Curriculum Erid Milou F. Intercollegiate Athletics Chris Lacke G. Learning Outcomes Don Stoll H. Ethics Barbara Williams I. Promotion Sandy Tweedie J. Recruitment, Admissions, Retention Mary Beth Walpole K. Research Robi Polikar L. Technological Services Vasil Hnatyshin M. Sabbatical Leave John Gallagher N. Student Relations Lori Block O. Tenure and Recontracting Tricia Yurak P. University Budget Bob Fleming V. Nominations for Senate Executive Committee Senators at Large: David Applebaum David Klassen Kathleen Small John Hasse Pat Alexy-Stoll David Klassen and Kathleen Small elected as Senate Executive Committee Members at Large For Year 2005-06. VI. Open Period, Extended: Dr. Christy Faison Dr. Faison reported that the University received approval for the Middle States review, and that ɫ has been designated as a model review for other institutions. She also commented on the diligent work of the committees throughout the year, particularly Curriculum, General Education, Learning Outcomes Assessment, and the Diversity Task Force. She expressed heartfelt gratitude to faculty and staff for their participation in numerous causes throughout the year. She is also very pleased that the faculty load adjustment agreement has been approved. Her main priorities for the coming year pertain to the manner in which we currently handle budgetary concerns. She is working with the Deans to specify upcoming needs, in order make changes in the allocation process. Also on the agenda are Information Literacy, working on the way in which Academic Affairs works with Student Affairs and improving how we help transfer students enter ɫ. . VII. Old Business Motion to approve the minutes of April 18, 2005, seconded and carried. A. Resolution for the Award of Incomplete Grades (from the Academic Policies & Procedures Committee: Lorin Arnold, Chair) Whereas, the option of an Incomplete designation in a course is necessary for students facing unexpected life events that prevent completion of the semester, and Whereas, currently, the Incomplete policy does not specify that the student be in agreement that an Incomplete (rather than an A/B/C/D/F or P/NC) grade will be assigned, and Whereas, this has, at times, resulted in students being assigned a IN grade when they desired a letter grade, even if that letter grade was poor, and Whereas, the choice of whether to award an Incomplete grade, should a student so request, must still belong fundamentally to the teaching faculty member, Be it resolved that the Incomplete policy at ɫ be changed to read: Under extraordinary circumstances that prevent completion of coursework during the term of enrollment, instructors may assign a designation of Incomplete, and a provisional letter grade (A/B/C/D/F or P/NC where appropriate). The Incomplete designation must be removed by the end of the semester following the semester of enrollment, excluding summer. If students believe that circumstances warrant an extension, they may request the instructor, in writing, for such an extension. If approved, the instructor will renew the Incomplete in the Registrars Office when grades are due. Failure to remove the Incomplete designation within the prescribed time, will automatically change the Incomplete designation to the provisional letter grade. In order to facilitate this process, we ask that the Registrars Office develop a new form for Incomplete grades. The form will require the instructor to provide a provisional grade, should the student refuse the Incomplete. Once grades are submitted, students will have 15 business days into the semester following (not including summer) to request that the Incomplete designation be removed and replaced by the provisional grade. This form should also contain a clear statement concerning when the IN will revert to the provisional grade if not removed, as well as a space for specification of the precise requirements that must be met in order for the IN to be replaced with a letter grade other than the provisional grade. Motion to approve revised resolution, seconded and carried. Resolution #050510-1 Students Accommodation Policy (from the Student Relations Committee) Lori Block:, Chair Whereas, in an attempt to create an environment where academic pursuits are at the forefront of our mission at ɫ, and Whereas, in adhering to and embracing the spirit set forth in the creation of Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act and the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), and Whereas, to ensure that all students are expressly accommodated within their rights when self identified and registered with the Academic Success Center on campus, to seek aids and measures in assisting with academic success in accordance with the laws of the United States of America enumerated in Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act and the American With Disabilities Act and with dignity and the spirit of the law, Be it resolved that, that the ɫ Senate strongly suggests that the accommodation statement attached be incorporated in all academic syllabi and adhered to in the classroom by faculty and staff teaching at ɫ when students self identify as being registered with the Academic Success Center of ɫ. The Senate strongly recommends that the policy statement be electronically distributed prior to each academic year. We, the Senate recommend that this accommodation statement be incorporated in the faculty handbook. This statement of accommodation is also recommended to be incorporated in the new faculty orientation as well as distributed to all adjunct faculty teaching on a semester by semester basis. The Senate suggests that the distribution of this accommodation statement be coordinated by the Chief Academic Officer of ɫ Accommodation Statement: Your academic success is important. If you have a disability that may have an impact upon your work in this class, please contact me. Students also need to provide documentation of their disability to the Academic Success Center in order to receive official University services and accommodations. The Academic Success Center can be reached at 856 256-4234. The Center is located on the 3rd Floor of Savitz Hall. The staff is available to answer questions regarding accommodations or assist you in your pursuit of accommodations. We look forward to working with you to meet your learning goals. Addendum 1: Purpose for an Accommodation Statement Comprehensive statements do the following: Encourage students to come forward early in the semester Demonstrate a willingness to work together and provide accommodations Keep focus on student success Remind them that they are not legally eligible unless they register Offer further resources (web links, offices, people) In providing accommodations, respect students rights to privacy. Students are not required to disclose their particular disabilities only that they qualify for accommodations. Many students who have registered will voluntarily disclose their disability. Others who have not registered may also claim to be entitled to accommodations. If there is any request you feel is beyond your resources, direct them to the Office of Disability Services. Addendum 2: Policies for Accommodation Statements of ɫ Aspirant Universities Fairfield UniversitySuggested model statement or a variationBucknellNoneProvidence CollegeStrongly suggested (no model statement in place)SUNYRequired statement included in all syllabiLehighRequired verbal announcement on first day of classSUNY BinghamptonInformal policy of encouragement (70% compliance)VillanovaStrongly suggested model statement in faculty handbookUniversity of DaytonRequired statement included in all syllabiMotion to approve revised resolution, seconded and carried. Resolution #050510-2 Computer Competency Resolution (Technogical Resources Committee) Gabriela Hritescu, Chair Background/Context: The Technological Resources Committee invited Kenexa, the current provider of the existing testing software, to demonstrate their web based testing system. This software tests the student in the application and is self grading. The company offers a panoply of software including popular web browsers, several generations of MS Office and Corel software. The library of all software is maintained at current levels by Kenexa at no charge. The university could easily update and/or change the Competency Test to suit its needs. A quote from Kenexa is attached for information purposes. Whereas: the Computer Competency Test is required to be taken by all incoming students, both Freshman and transfer students (unless appropriate transfer credits can be applied in place of the test), and Whereas: the current Computer Competency Test is obsolete, since it is based on Windows 95 and MS Office 97, and the test can not be updated beyond this generation of software, which is no longer in use at ɫ, and Whereas: the degree of difficulty of the current test is set too low and does not test for the proper level of computer competency necessary for todays college student and society, and Whereas: there is a need to make provisions to keep the test up to date such that it is consistent with current software in general use, and Whereas: the brochure concerning the Computer Competency Test reflects this obsolete software and is mailed out to all prospective students, and does not project the appropriate ɫ image, Be it resolved that: the Senate recommends that the Office of the Provost acquire newer generation software to correct this problem and adopt a policy to keep the test and the brochure up to date. Motion to approve resolution, seconded and carried. Resolution #050510-3 Fingerprinting & Background Checks (Ad Hoc Committee) David Appelbaum: Chair Whereas the presumption of innocence and constitutional limits upon government intrusion into private and personal life are core principles of democracy. Whereas community needs to maintain security and safety are necessary for all members of our community. Be It Resolved that ɫ shall establish a limited program of background checks and finger printing identification applicable exclusively to new applicants for positions with job descriptions that are security sensitive. The university and bargaining agents (AFT, CWA, and IFTPE et. al.) collaborate and identify all jobs and job titles where a) national norms, c) constitutional safeguards, and b) local practices merit application of fingerprinting and criminal background checks. The Student Government Association will collaborate with the university in designating positions where student employees perform jobs that should be subject to fingerprinting and criminal background checks. The application of rules to current employees in jobs designated for application of the procedure is outside the parameters of Senate jurisdiction and subject to contractual relationships and agreements. Candidates for employment by the university in positions where security checks are approved will be told when they apply for the position. Policies and procedures adopted by the university regarding a) informing candidates of the status of their review and b) the right to appeal any adverse decision will be maintained. Two years following completion and application of the policy and procedure, the university and bargaining agents shall review the list of jobs and job titles included as well as excluded from fingerprinting and criminal background checks in order to determine the efficacy of the policy, costs and benefits in meeting the goals and criteria for inclusion and exclusion from the list of positions designated for exceptional consideration. Background: The Ad-Hoc Committee on Fingerprinting and Criminal Background checks was inclusive and began the process with diverse views as well as divergent perspectives regarding fingerprinting and criminal background checks of prospective university employees. The committee considered three possibilities: full implementation of current policy, abolition of all fingerprinting and criminal background checks and modification of current policy and practice. We reviewed internal documents as well as policies and procedures adopted elsewhere. We studied data provided by the university. We held hearings and received written testimony. Documents collected for our work will be available at the Senate Office. Motion to approve resolution, seconded and carried. Resolution #050510-4 VIII. Standing Committee Reports (Reports Attached) Academic Policies & Procedures: Lorin Arnold Motion to approve report, seconded and carried. Campus Aesthetics & Environmental Concerns: Skeffington Thomas Motion to approve report, seconded and carried. Career Development:: Lee Kress Motion to approve report, seconded and carried. Committee on Committees: Frances Johnson Motion to approve report, seconded and carried. Curriculum: Eric Milou Motions to approve report and curriculum proposals, seconded and carried. Intercollegiate Athletics: Motion to approve report, seconded and carried. Learning Outcomes Assessment: Don Stoll Motion to approve report, seconded and carried. Professional Ethics & Welfare: Barbara Williams Motion to approve report, seconded and carried. Promotion: Sandy Tweedie Motion to approve report, seconded and carried. Recruitment/Admissions/Retention: Lizziel Sullivan Motion to approve report, seconded and carried. Research: Robi Polikar Motion to approve report, seconded and carried. Resolution regarding Graduate Research Assistant Salary & Benefits approved for agenda of September 2005 Senate meeting. Technological Resources: Gabriela Hristescu Motion to approve report, seconded and carried. Sabbatical Leave: John Gallagher Motion to approve report, seconded and carried. Student Relations: Lori Block Motion to approve report, seconded and carried. Tenure & Recontracting: Jim Newell Motion to approve report, seconded and carried. University Budget & Planning: Bob Fleming Motion to approve report, seconded and carried. IX. All University Committee Reports Awards: Claudia Cuddy Motion to approve report, seconded and carried. Bookstore: Larry Litwin Motion to approve report, seconded and carried. Chairs Council: Bob Newland Motion to approve report, seconded and carried. Library: Judith Holmes Motion to approve report, seconded and carried. Archive on Five Project (Chaskes resolution) Motion to approve the following resolution via suspended rules to reaffirm the Chaskes resolution, seconded and carried: Resolution #050510-5 We resolve that the Archive on Five Project be fully funded and completed in a timely fashion. The rationale for this project is clear, especially since the original plan for the Stewart Room included utilizing both the 5th and 6th floor towers. A partial listing of the historic materials it houses includes: Frank Stewarts donation of Jerseyana, genealogy materials, and numerous artifacts; the papers of Thomas Whiney Synnott; a collection of 18th and 19th century books; a nineteenth-century childrens textbook collection; autographed copies and first editions; a manuscript collection of manumission papers, deeds, muster rolls, and letters; a rare book collection; a signature collection of notable Americans such as Susan B. Anthony, Dolly Madison, and Booker T. Washington; the most comprehensive collection of Summit materials in the state; and the ɫ Archives. This partial listing does not represent the many important holdings packed away in boxes and stored in various closets in the library because there is no room to display them in the Stewart Room. Moreover, this woeful lack of space has precluded the Library from soliciting further donations of materials or from promoting increased use of the current collections on display. We resolve that funds for materials acquisition be increased substantially. The University seeks to encourage the quality and quantity of research and the growth of graduate programs. These plans for growth will require additional funding for collections, databases, and services. We resolve that the Music Library in Wilson Hall be designated a cost center. This course of action was recommended several years ago by the Accreditor in the Accreditation process. It would provide the Music Library with the means to deal with on-going costs associated with running a branch library, including providing for services and maintaining facilities. X. Senate Presidents Report (Separate Cover) Meeting adjourned at 3:45 PM. #FU   " p t )7;HIJIJIJĒĒIJr^J^&h05hFCM5CJOJQJ\^JaJ&h05hJ5CJOJQJ\^JaJh{/CJOJQJ\^JaJ h{/5CJOJQJ\^JaJ h055CJOJQJ\^JaJh/CJOJQJ\^JaJ#h^hJCJOJQJ\^JaJ&h^hJ5CJOJQJ\^JaJ h^hJCJOJQJ^JaJh^hJ:CJaJh^hJCJaJ#0EF   p q 7GH , & Fgd{/gdJgdJgdJ+Y ,<=MNij}ܼ܌zhzWC&h^hJ5CJOJQJ\^JaJ h{/5CJOJQJ\^JaJ#h05h055CJOJQJ^JaJ#h05h{/5CJOJQJ^JaJh055CJOJQJ^JaJh{/5CJOJQJ^JaJ#h05hFCM5CJOJQJ^JaJ#h05hJ5CJOJQJ^JaJh{/CJOJQJ^JaJ h^hJCJOJQJ^JaJ#h^hJ5CJOJQJ^JaJ,=aXE,&KJ&qgdJ & Fgd{/As{WXd:;D±sbsQs hFCMhPCJOJQJ^JaJ hFCMhCJOJQJ^JaJ hFCMhHrCJOJQJ^JaJ hFCMhTCJOJQJ^JaJh05CJOJQJ^JaJhFCMCJOJQJ^JaJ hFCMhwHCJOJQJ^JaJ hFCMhJCJOJQJ^JaJ hFCMhFCMCJOJQJ^JaJhJCJOJQJ^JaJhCJOJQJ^JaJ'E\-flͼ|mm^OO@O@O@h7"5CJOJQJ^JaJhRW5CJOJQJ^JaJhJ5CJOJQJ^JaJhiA5CJOJQJ^JaJh/5CJOJQJ^JaJhVk5CJOJQJ^JaJ h^hJCJOJQJ^JaJ hFCMhJCJOJQJ^JaJ hFCMhwHCJOJQJ^JaJ hFCMhHrCJOJQJ^JaJ hFCMh{/CJOJQJ^JaJ hFCMh1CJOJQJ^JaJ&cdpq {xdPd*CJOJQJ^JaJhj>*CJOJQJ^JaJ 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